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Transform how you learn: Smart, efficient learning, all through the power of AI

Why Amigo Works

Science-Backed Learning Framework Icon

Science-Backed Learning

Built on decades of cognitive science research, our five-step framework guides you through every stage of learning - from pre-lecture prep to exam mastery. Each step builds naturally on the last, helping you learn more while studying less through proven efficient learning methods.

Lecture by Lecture Learning Icon

Lecture by Lecture

Turn overwhelming courses into conquerable steps. Our system follows your class structure, organizing everything lecture-by-lecture for instant progression learning. See exactly where you stand with exam readiness scores, while building comprehensive course knowledge one session at a time. It's like having a roadmap to mastery, with clear milestones along the way.

Personalized Learning Icon


Our AI creates your customized review schedule and adapts to your needs. Get immediate feedback when stuck, identify knowledge gaps through smart practice questions, and prepare efficiently through active learning that ensures real understanding.

Five Step Framework Illustration

Five Step Framework

Primer icon


Just 10 minutes of prep before class boosts your grades by 12%. Transform your class time from confused to confident. Get introduced to new concepts before you enter the classroom using your class files or custom prompting. Read what the concepts are about, take a practice quiz, and show up ready to engage confidently with the course material.

Lecture icon


Study icon


Active Recall icon

Active Recall

Exam Prep icon

Exam Prep

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Academic Excellence for all


At the heart of our mission lies a profound belief: every individual deserves an equal opportunity to pursue education, irrespective of their circumstances or background. We are committed to democratizing smart education, breaking down barriers, and opening doors to knowledge for all. Our goal is to create a world where the joys of learning are universally accessible, empowering everyone to experience the transformative power of education.

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